Singapore Math- 2B

Singapore Math- 2B

Current Price: ৳490
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Product Id: Gf11
"Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 2A is a math activity book designed for children featuring the most advanced math curriculum globally. Utilizing the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method, Singapore Math aims to establish a robust mathematical foundation. This math activity book employs the CPA method to instill mathematical concepts effectively, fostering a solid understanding of mathematical principles. Singapore Math stands as the forefront in global math education, with students completing its program often advancing 2-3 years ahead of their counterparts. Their proficiency extends to real-world applications in mathematics and finance. Recommended for Grade 2 students, Singapore Math 2A and 2B books offer comprehensive coverage of mathematical topics."

"Introducing Goofi Academic Books – Singapore Math 2A, a comprehensive math activity book designed for children featuring the world's most advanced math curriculum. Utilizing the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) method, Singapore Math aims to establish a robust foundation in mathematics. Students completing the Singapore Math program typically advance 2-3 years ahead of their peers, demonstrating superior performance in real-life math and finance scenarios. Singapore Math 2b is a 108-page activity-based book suitable for Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. Key Features of this Math Activity Book: Utilizes the CPA (Concrete Pictorial Abstract) method to build a solid mathematical foundation. Tailored for Grade 2 students. Complements the comprehensive Singapore Math Level 1 book (1A & 1B) and Level 2 book (2A), offering a full-year and six-month curriculum, respectively. For more information about the book, please contact us at 01958636805."

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