Barbie HHG51 Mermaid Power Doll

Barbie HHG51 Mermaid Power Doll

Current Price: ৳4850
  In Stock
Product Id: ABC-TM-101103
Barbie HHG51 Mermaid
  • Dive into storytelling adventures with Barbie doll inspired by Barbie Mermaid Power!
  • Barbie doll features a magical mermaid look, complete with extra-long blue hair and a beautiful ombre tail with premium touches and sculpted scales.
  • With interchangeable fins, 2 jewel-encrusted tiaras, 2 necklaces and a hairbrush, kids can switch up Barbie doll’s look for any adventure.
  • An adorable seahorse pet inspires fantastical friendship stories!
  • Makes the perfect gift for Barbie enthusiasts that are at least 3 years old.
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